Privacy Policy

Your privacy is critically important to us. Below is our Privacy Policy:


“WordPress” refers to the software created by Automattic that is made available for download on the website accessed at

“Google Tag Manager” (hence “GTM”) refers to the software created and maintained by Google Inc. and made available to access at

The term “WordPress Plugin Directory” refers to the website and its (sub)pages accessed at

The term “WordPress plugin” refers to any downloadable program code provided on the WordPress Plugin Directory or on any 3rd party website that can be used the extend the functionality of WordPress.

“Google Tag Manager for WordPress” (hence “GTM4WP”) is a WordPress plugin that was created to make it possible for WordPress owners to integrate GTM features into their WordPress based websites.

“Google Tag Manager for WordPress Sandbox Site” (hence “Sandbox Site”) was created to offer a public website where the developers of GTM4WP can test new plugin features, have a place to find programming issues (hence “bugs”) and offer a place to learn for users of GTM4WP (hence “Plugin Users”).

Tracking code usage

The Sandbox Site does not include any tracking code that collects, stores or processes (directly or indirectly) any personal data. Though GTM4WP is active while you are consuming any content on the Sandbox Site, no valid Google Tag Manager container is loaded and not other tracking codes are enabled hence no user tracking is active.

Automatically collected data

Some information about your visit and about you as the visitor of the Sandbox Site are automatically collected and processed.

Like as many websites on the internet, this Sandbox Site is also using a hosting company to make the Sandbox Site available for visitors. Our hosting company is Magyar Hosting Ltd., a Hungarian company who’s privacy policy can be read here.

Just like other hosting companies, they collect your IP address and other technical aspects of your visit like the identification of your browser and device to make sure their service is safe has high availability. Information about the collected data, the purpose and the expiration data can be read on the link in the previous paragraph.

Cookie usage

No cookies are stored except for the cookies stored by WordPress.

Some features of GTM4WP store cookies too, but no cookies store either directly or indirectly any data that can be used to identify you as an individual. The full list of cookies created by GTM4WP:

Name of cookie and expirationPurpose
gtm4wp_orderid_trackedIf you place an order on any of the WooCommerce enabled Sandbox Sites, this will store the ID of the order you have just placed to prevent GTM4WP of tracking the same order multiple times especially, but not limited to mobile devices.
gtm4wp_product_readded_to_cart (end of the browser session)If you re-add a product into the cart on any of the WooCommerce enabled Sandbox sites, this cookie will store the so called cart key to make sure that the corresponding ecommerce tracking can be fired on the next pageload.
gtm4wp_user_logged_in (until next page load on the site or until the end of the browser session)If you login on any of the Sandbox sites, this cookie will be set to make sure that a Google Tag Manager event is fired on the next page load. Under normal circumstances this would fire one or more tracking codes to track this activity but on this site nothing happens on this event
gtm4wp_user_registered (until next page load on the site or until the end of the browser session ) If you register as a new user on any of the Sandbox sites, this cookie will be set to make sure that a Google Tag Manager event is fired on the next page load. Under normal circumstances this would fire one or more tracking codes to track this activity but on this site nothing happens on this event
gtm4wp_last_weatherstatusThis cookie will store the last error message provided by external APIs while querying the coordinates of your location and and the weather conditions on that location.

Personal data while placing orders

You might be able to enter personal data if you place an order on any of the Sandbox Sites where any of the following WordPress Plugins are enabled: WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads. You can see whether those plugins are enabled if you check the name of the website shown at the top left corner of each page.

No real data is required while placing orders on those Sandbox Sites as no real order management is done during the process.

Please do not provide any real personal data, including but not limited to your real name, postal address, email address, etc as this will be stored in the database of the Sandbox Site. If that happens, please use the official contact form and provide the order id so that your personal data can be deleted as soon as possible.

All order data will be erased without making any backup copies one month after placing the order..

Data sharing

Under general circumstances, the Sandbox Site collects the data provided in the paragraphs above. We do not share any of the data described above with any 3rd party without any permission of yours.

The only exception from this are any cases where national or local (Hungarian) law enforces us to share any of the collected data with the authorities of Hungary, the European Union or any nation world wide where any international contract enforces us to share data.

In any of those cases, we will do our best to report this data sharing with the person involved in the data collection except for any restriction given by the initiator authority.

Questions, data deletion or data requests

If you have any questions or complains around privacy on the Sandbox Site or while using GTM4WP, please do not hesitate to use the official contact form.